what is Usability testing?

Usability testing is also called as user experience testing. This testing mainly focuses on the user’s convenience and flexibility in using the controls and capacity of the system to meet the required objectives. It is performed by a small group of targeted end users who use the software to expose the usability defects of software system. Usability testing determines whether the application is user friendly.

Since the software applications are being used on various devices of the different configurations, the software should be easily usable creating an experience to users. The software is expected to be effective, easy to use, engaging, interactive, simple to use by different type of users of relevant age groups, intellect, etc.
During the plan and design phase itself the usability characteristic of the software is to be implemented and tested. The aspects like who are the end users of software, what are the devices on which the software will be used, purpose of the software etc are considered to decide the usability of the software. The software is first tested by the QA team from user perspective. The team of real users can be assigned the task of usability testing.
The goals of usability testing are:
  • Effectiveness of the system
  • It determines whether the system is easy to learn, the system adds value to the target audience. The content, the images are pleasing.
  • Efficiency: navigation between the web pages should be very less. Scroll bars shouldn’t be used frequently. There should be provision to search between the website.
  • Accuracy: No outdated or incorrect data or information like contact information should be present .No broken links will be present.
  • User-friendliness: controls used should be self explanatory and should not require training for operation. Help should be provided for users to operate the application.
Below is an example of the user friendly software. The type of data that is acceptable in a text box is specified already. So the user is not likely to enter incorrect information and experience any errors on the software.

What is usability testing? Explain with an example?
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